Caiden’s Story
Please click here to watch one of our brilliant new videos about our great mentoring partnerships: this is Caiden and Pete.
Posted on 12/11/2019
Mentor Link provides long term one to one social and emotional support to vulnerable and distressed children. We support Anti-Bullying week and encourage children and their families to embrace ‘feeling safe’. Bullying – physical or emotional – is never acceptable and we hope children will find the courage to confide in a trusted adult, as a first and important step in feeling safe. A united front against bullying is key so let us all, parents, teachers, children work together to prevent this behaviour. ‘Bestie’ is a fantastic new app that children and young adults can download. There are confidential forums, run by CAMHS professionals that will support you. We are also happy to support you through our mentoring programme.
Click on the link for more information about ‘Bestie’ and if you, your child, or one of your pupils feels they could benefit from mentoring support please contact us on 01299 822336 or
Please click here to watch one of our brilliant new videos about our great mentoring partnerships: this is Caiden and Pete.
This is Terri's Story. Please click here to watch her film and find out more.