Blog Post February 2017

Posted on 28/02/2017

There is a recognised need in our country for improved services to young people in schools facing a variety of social and emotional difficulties. One Headteacher from York, Leo Winkley writes:

There needs to be investment to allow schools to equip teachers better; whether we like it or not, teachers will be in the frontline on the critical issue of children’s mental health.

At Mentor Link we recognise that after the family the schools know the children best of all. We are a children’s charity providing one to one social and emotional support to distressed children in schools and provide a service to around 50 schools across the West Midlands. We do this by professionally recruiting and training volunteers as mentors, many of whom have faced difficulties themselves as young people and want to give something back to the community. Whilst there is still a need for the higher level services provided by the Educational psychologists, Counsellors and CAMHS teams the charity is increasingly recognised as providing low level, but early interventions for the children which is long term. The children and young people are at the centre of our service delivery and we are proud of the great outcomes that we achieve with them.
Click below to see one of our films of a young person that we supported.


Case Studies

Caiden’s Story


Please click here to watch one of our brilliant new videos about our great mentoring partnerships: this is Caiden and Pete.

Terri’s Story


This is Terri's Story. Please click here to watch her film and find out more.