Mentee creates film for Charity

Posted on 31/05/2018

At Mentor Link we love to hear from young people that we have supported in the past about where they are now. Recently, previous mentee Jess made contact with the us to say thank you for supporting her through a difficult time, and wanted to say a big thank you to her mentor Sue. Mentor Link provided her with help during a difficult time with her A-Levels, and her mentoring  support helped her to secure a place at Birmingham University. We are delighted that Jess secured a Foundation degree at Birmingham, and is now progressing to a full degree. As part of this course she has produced a film about the service that the charity provides to young people, which you can watch here. Well done Jess: it’s a great film and we are really proud of you. Keep in touch!


Case Studies

Caiden’s Story


Please click here to watch one of our brilliant new videos about our great mentoring partnerships: this is Caiden and Pete.

Terri’s Story


This is Terri's Story. Please click here to watch her film and find out more.